Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In need of an update

Hey everyone! So I realized that we never updated after we got back from Serbia so I thought it was about time! The last week in Serbia was really awesome! We had so many people come to the English course (adults and children) and they all heard the gospel at the end of the week. I don't think anyone accepted Christ (if someone did please let me know!) but Serbians are very untrusting people. It will take a while for us to build long lasting relationships with them and then they can truly trust us. But it was so important that we took that first step and told them exactly why we were there, to share God's love with them and give them hope! We will definitely be going back again next summer! Daniel and Cait both have to take a summer class so hopefully that won't get in the way.

So I've been reading Grace Walk by Steve McVey and let me tell you, it has been exactly what I've needed to hear! I've only read through chapter two so I'm not very far, but what I have read has really touched my heart! Lately I have felt like I've been drifting from God. I still read my bible everyday and go to church, but I've been lacking on a personal level with Jesus. I came back from Serbia on fire for the Lord with these great plans to truly be a witness on campus for Christ. But lately I've just been stinking it up lol!

Grace Walk has shown me that my life is not about what I can do for Christ, but about my love for Christ. Not that doing things for Him is not important, that's not what I'm saying! But our relationship with Christ will lead us to do great things, things that God has planned, not our plans!

There were two great analogies. The first was imagine trying to make God this super amazing apple pie, only to find out, He doesn't even like apple pie! And what about the story of Martha and Mary with Jesus? Martha was too busy cooking and cleaning FOR Jesus, and Mary was sitting at His feet listening to every word He was saying. Both are great, but spending time with Jesus was way more important that doing something for Him.

I've felt guilty about my marvelous plans not working out for God and it drew me away from Him. Now i realize that God has the plans, not me! I'm just the available servant in love with Christ.

Aren't God moments amazing?

Continue to pray for Serbia!
<3 Bethany

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