Monday, June 13, 2011

Down town Novi Sad and Bible Study for the Deaf

Hello Friends!!
 So far, we are loving Serbia!! This morning we walked around down town in Novi Sad with Rodja. We definitely got to experience the Serbian culture more this way. We went into an Orthodox church and it was gorgeous! We also had some ice cream (not the same as American ice cream but it was very good). Before I came I was afraid I would starve because I am such a picky eater, But, so far we have eaten so much good food, I think we will come home a little rounder haha!

At night we to Ivan and Minja's home and had the bible study for the deaf members of the church. Caitlin and I were sad when we learned that American sign language is not the same in every country so we could not communicate well with them. But we shared some Bible verses that are special to us and the appreciated it. It was so awesome to see the fellowship with these new friends and we loved worshiping with them in a new way! Please pray for the couple in the middle of the picture. They traveled a long way to come to this bible study and are very close to committing their lives to serve Christ! We are very excited about this!!
As always, we thank everyone for your prayer and support!

In Christ's love,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! Love reading what you guys are doing, and seeing the pictures.
