Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting Ready

Dear Friends,
                Well, we have some very exciting news to share!! Many of you know that this past Sunday was the art sale at church. Caitlin and I painted paintings over the previous semester and decided to sell them and all the profits would go to the Serbia Mission Trip. Mr. Greene also offered us his pictures to sell, and Marabeth and Bethany Jaques served refreshments. Half of the each our trips total is $3750, and the donations we received from the support letters were $2175. After the art sale, our total of donations was $3,850! Is God awesome or what? We agreed with Daniel when he said he always heard of people going on mission trips and still needing funds but at the very last minute, they get just enough. But to have this experience happen to us truly put what this trip is about in focus. God is God and we are not!
                Also, last week everyone got together to get the ESL kits together and to practice teaching our lessons. We want to thank Marabeth, Bethany, and Caitlin for all of their hard work getting all of the supplies together! We have a total of 15 kits now! We will be taking all of them to Serbia with us and storing them there for future trips.  We will post pictures of the art sale and organizing the kits so everyone will feel a part of the trip!
                Lastly and most importantly, we want to thank everyone for donating and praying for our trip. We are truly blessed to have so many people to care enough for us to donate and pray for our trip. And for those of you who bought art, I hope whenever you look at it, you remember to pray for Serbia and to pray for the lost in general. Remember to keep praying for the Serbian people and us, because nothing can be accomplished without Our Father!
In Christ’s love,

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