Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bok Te Voli

Hey guys,
I want to start out with a couple of scriptures that God has been showing me. I just finished reading 1 Corinthians, and it's beyond words how much God has shown me. Seriously, read the Bible for yourself. Just going to church and listening to other people isn't enough, do you eat only twice a week? So why should you starve your spirit? Okay, to the scriptures:
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31
I know that most people have heard this verse before, but the Word of God is always fresh and relevant. When I read this, I can sometimes just skim over it, and not think about it much, but if you just stop for a minute, this verse will change your life. "Do all to the glory of God." Everything. Every breath you take, every time you take a bite to eat, or have something to drink, do it to glorify God. What would our lives look like as Christians if we took this verse seriously? If everything that you do was done for the glory of God, how would your life change? I can't even imagine this, let alone put it into words, which leads me to the next verse:

"In the path of Your judgments,
O Lord, we wait for you;
You name and remembrance
are the desire of our soul."
Isaiah 26:8

Is the one desire of our souls truly to make God known? I don't know about you, but this makes me take a hard look at myself to see if the true desire of my soul is to make God known throughout the world, and if it is, what am I doing about it?

                I know that it has been a few days since we have updated the blog, and I’m sorry about that. We have been experiencing some amazing things here in Prokuplje, and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to capture it in words, but I’ll give my best shot.
                Sunday was a great day. We started the day off with a delicious breakfast made by our host, Slavica. After breakfast, we made our way to the church for the children’s week. Kristina taught the lesson, and she did a wonderful job. All of the children were watching her, and they paid attention so well. Afterwards, when we had the quiz, they children knew all of the questions! It was really amazing, and we all had a lot of fun just trying to talk and playing with all of them.
                After the children’s lesson, we came back to Marian’s apartment, and Slavica made lunch. She is so selfless and she is truly an amazing woman of God; and we are blessed to know her and her family! Since Daniel was preaching that night, we went to the apartment that he and Kristina were staying in with Marian after lunch. Bethany helped him prepare, and we prayed for him; he was really nervous, but he studied a lot, so he was prepared. We walked to church, and everyone prayed for the service. Prayer is the most important thing here, and they pray for everything! It really makes me realize how much we as Christians can sometimes forgo that part of our walk with God. The Bible says to “pray without ceasing,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17. It seems like a lot of times people can be embarrassed to pray, and that is really sad. Prayer is so important for our spiritual health, and being here just reminds me of how much I lack in that area. After we prayed, we had a time of worship, and again, it was amazing. Everyone truly means what they are saying; they are not just singing empty words, they are worshipping God. Daniel preached about having encouragement in God. It was his first time to preach, and he did really well. Kristina translated him, and, as always, she was wonderful! After church we had pizza for supper; it was completely homemade by the one and only Slavica. Delish. Seriously, you have to try her cooking.
                Monday was a busy day. We had the last day of the children’s week, and also the last day for the ESL class. For the children’s class everyone made a craft (hearts that said “Bok te voli” on them. They were really cute), and we had a prize for every child. All of the kids had a lot of fun, and we had a blast. The last ESL class was that night, and afterwards, to celebrate, we had a little pizza party. It’s a lot of fun just hanging out with the youth, and getting to know them. Everyone here is so kind, and they all love God so much. They are the true examples of servants for Christ.
                Please pray for Marian and Slavica and their church. Pray for the youth of their church, also. They have sacrificed a lot to be Christians and go to church. Pray to give them peace in God, and the wisdom and strength to discern His will.

In Christ’s love,

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