Friday, July 8, 2011

Christ is Risen From the Dead

    So far we are enjoying our time in Prokuplje very very much. We have been witnesses of God's amazing power and His presence. We have also seen people in very poor living conditions. But they still trust in Christ, and know that in Him they have strength, and they have Hope in Him. This is hard for me to imagine... I have trouble trusting sometimes, and i have everything compared to them, it was a real encouragement to us. It is also very sad..

    Marijan, the pastor of the church here in Prokuplje, is a very good example of a Christ like man. People from his church are constantly coming and going from his flat, and he is happy for that. People visit for different reasons. Some visit because they are hungry, some visit just to charge their cell phone because they don't have electricity in their own home. This is hard for me to even describe how i feel sitting there with them, and knowing what they are going home to. A home with no water, electricity, or even a wood stove, and I have anything i want. It doesn't seem fair, but i struggle with how to help them. Their are so many people here in need, and we are only three people, and this is only one city, in one country, in a whole world of hurting and lost people. So pray that God will move in miraculous ways, and reveal what he has for us to do, and how to best serve these broken people.

   In this town there are approximately 50,000 people, 6,000 of which are Roma (Gypsies). The Church is only Roma people. They try to invite Serbs, but they are too prejudiced to even listen to what they are saying, much less go to church with them. They see them as dirty, and uncivilized people. when they are people just like me and you. This makes things very hard because we are talking about a whole nation's attitude toward the Roma. The only way this can change is God. We know that in the worst situations, that he is shown the most powerful. So pray that God would move here and make His glory known, though Serbs and Roma alike.

    We have been teaching English to approximately 30 Roma people here, including children, youth and adults. They are learning well, and we are glad for that. We also participated in the churches kids camp today and for two more days ( like a VBS). The kids are precious, and we really like being with them. Here is a video of them worshiping at the "VBS".                               

    The youth are very happy that we are here. They love just that we would spend time with them. They love that we talk to them, and we care about them. They are not used to visitors coming to them. Usually people just visit one service or something, but not really be with them. So it means a lot to them that we are staying with them. And we don't feel like we are anything special, because we know that they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a weird situation for us because they treat us so well, and we feel unworthy, and want to serve them. So pray that in every situation they see Christ in us, and through that God will be glorified!

   in Christ,


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